Monday 10 February 2014

Maine lawmakers consider creating state-run virtual school

By Steve Mistler, Morning Sentinal

As state policymakers review new performance and governance standards for virtual charter schools, a bipartisan group of lawmakers is pushing a proposal that would create a state-run online academy. The proposal, L.D. 1736, is sponsored by Sen. Brian Langley, R-Ellsworth, and co-sponsored by several Democrats on the Education Committee. Langley said a state-run virtual school would afford students and school districts the benefits of online course learning while avoiding some of the risks inherent in turning over the administration of the schools to companies. The bill is supported by several education groups that have been vocal opponents of virtual charter schools, including the Maine Education Association, the union representing public school teachers. The proposal has bipartisan backing, but a provision to freeze approval of private virtual schools faces opposition from LePage administration.

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