Thursday 6 February 2014

Livetweeting Classes: Some Suggested Guidelines

by Adeline Koh, Prof Hacker Blog

Unlike the typical passive viewing sessions, live tweeting allows instructors to directly engage in the student’s learning, by directing attention to issues that they might otherwise miss. This semester, I’m teaching a graduate seminar in the digital humanities, and one of the assignments for the semester is for students to live tweet the class and to later storify the tweets as notes. I’ve decided to implement this assignment for two reasons: (1) to provide some kind of a backchannel for more quiet students to participate, and (2) to encourage a public dimension to my students’ learning. After writing up the assignment, I did some searching for best practices of live tweeting events to help my students out, but didn’t find much that would be directly pertinent to what they needed. This post is the result. Effectively live-tweeting an event to take notes is a little different from how one would approach live-tweeting an event simply to participate. I list some ideas for best practices for live-tweeting for note taking below at the URL below.

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