Sunday 17 November 2013

How will U of M change with the times? A chat with Pres. Eric Kaler

by: MAURA LERNER, Star Tribune

I think online will be an important part of what we do going forward. But I don’t see it, frankly, ever replacing the bricks-and-mortar institutions like the University of Minnesota. Online education is absolutely terrific for people who are placebound. It’s terrific for people who need to fill a specific gap. [But] the ability to learn from each other, to make new friends and to explore the intellectual world in front of them … that happens at bricks-and-mortar institutions. And I don’t think that transition is going to easily occur by somebody going down in the basement and taking online courses for four years. I think what will emerge, almost certainly, is that large classroom lectures will become less important, less common. Students will listen to the lecture online and then come to class and interact with students and faculty. With faculty being more of a coach and a mentor, a person who answers questions rather than just dispensing wisdom.

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